01342 833 101 john@premiercare.ws

Care Certificate

Premier would like to say well done to the following members of staff who have started their Care Certificate, despite the challenges, and family commitment, they still have the time to show their dedication to improving their knowledge in care.

Hayley Tester

Karen Reeve

Katie Muir

Chrissy Jones

Annalize Gill

Denise Dixon

Chloe Bliss-Jeffery

New Starter

Premier’s fantastic team of carers continues to grow as we extend a warm welcome to Annalize Gill who joined the team in July. Anna has hit the ground running and already made a big impact since starting her new role.


New Starters and April 2023 Training Updates

New Starters and April 2023 Training Updates

New Starters

Premier Care Services would like to extend a warm welcome to Katie Muir who joined our wonderful team of carers in April.


Attendee                           Date Acquired

Katie Muir                           27/04/2023


Dementia Care

Attendee                           Date Acquired

Katie Muir                           16/05/2023


Depravation of Liberty Safeguards

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Chrissy Jones                     16/04/2023

Katie Muir                           16/05/2023


Fire Training

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Nadine Campbell              30/03/2023

Denise Dixon                      28/03/2023


First Aid Awareness

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Nadine Campbell              30/03/2023

Chrissy Jones                     15/04/2023


Food Hygiene

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Nadine Campbell              30/03/2023

Chrissy Jones                     11/04/2023


Health & Safety

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Katie Hobbs                        24/4/2023

Chrissy Jones                     14/04/2023


Mental Capacity

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Denise Dixon                      05/04/2023

Chrissy Jones                     16/04/2023


Moving & Handling Assessment

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Chrissy Jones                     11/04/2023


Safe Administration of Medicines

Attendee                            Date Acquired

Denise Dixon                      28/03/2023

Chrissy Jones                     10/04/2023